The Parrot Diaries: A Collaboration Between Torso and Tobias Grau
The German lighting company Tobias Grau commissioned New York-based photography duo Torso to shoot Parrot, Tobias Grau’s award-winning portable light designed by Timon and Melchior Grau. Torso — Solomon Chase of David Toro — produced the shoot in and around Princeton, New Jersey, working with Kira Lillie as model and muse.

The production is part of the ongoing series “Artists for Tobias Grau,” which also includes contributions by Johann Clausen, Zhenya and Tanya Posternak, Clara Rubin, Benoît Jeannet, Darryl Daley, Paul Hutchinson, and many more. The full catalogue is available to order in a limited edition, or can simply be digitally downloaded.

Find out more about the portable Parrot light.
Photography by Torso.
Video edit by Anthony Valdez.
Sound design by Egon Elliut.
Commissioned by Mina Hammal for Tobias Grau Lighting.