If one were to live till the age of 75 and get the recommended 8 hours a night, it would amount to 25 years of one’s life asleep — and most likely spent in a bed. But it’s not just during shut-eye that we spend our time in bed; in the 21st century, even waking hours are increasingly spent between the sheets. In fact, the bed has overtaken many people’s lives, no longer restricted to slumber but also used for working, eating, shopping, watching Netflix, and, presumably, fucking. Moreover, in small urban apartments, the bed is most likely the one piece of furniture that hasn’t been rationalized away. Given our fundamental need for sleep, it seems only natural to invest consideration and care in choosing the place where dreams are made. For PIN–UP, artist Carlos Sáez imagined a surreal slumber party with some of finest and well-designed beds around. Start counting your sheep, because you’re about to be sent off into a DeepDream…