Well, Humor is an important part of my personality, if not the most important. It’s something that’s in my blood and was always with me from the beginning. From when I started doing films, even before conceptual art. I always tried to do things with a sense of humor. It’s true that my projects are often linked with an idea of luxury and I am not going to complain about that, even if luxury isn’t something that makes me happy.

People are very much into labels: “You did the Fasano Hotel so you know how to do this…” But the funny thing is that after I designed the restaurant for the Fasano and it was voted the most elegant restaurant in Brazil, I got a call from McDonald’s to design their restaurants.

Taken from an interview by Felix Burrichter in PIN–UP 14, Spring Summer 2013.

The full interview is also available in PIN–UP INTERVIEWS, a compilation of over 50 interviews from the past 14 issues, available through powerHouse Books.

Portrait by Adrian Gaut.