WILLO PERRON PRESENTS: The Sun, Agent of Renewal and Destruction

Direct eye contact at your own risk! The biggest diva of them all, the sun is the undisputed star of the solar system. An agent of both renewal and destruction, she is by turns revered and feared. Who better then to capture the visual essence of this most distant of luminaries than Willo Perron, the Montreal-born creative director and scenic designer responsible for some of the most dazzling mise-en-scènes by the likes of Drake, Rihanna, or Travis Scott. With the assistance of the pyro-magicians from Strictly FX, Perron set a ball ablaze in Las Vegas as an effigy to the brightest star of all, while photographer-director David Black caught the whole thing on film.

Behind-the-scenes on Willo Perron’s sun production in Las Vegas, 2020. Photography by David Black.
“After PIN–UP asked me to come up with a concept for the sun, I started in an overly intellectual place. I was reading tons of poetry about the sun, and Carl Sagan books, and talking to my smartest friends. But then I realized that I work on iconography and shows. And the sun is a big ball of fire, exploding. Why shouldn’t I simply create a show version of that?”
— Willo Perron

Concept and design by Willo Perron
Photography by David Black
Production by Dani Edgren
Fabrication by SGPS Inc.
Pyrotechnics by Stricly FX
Featuring Daniela de la Fe
Filmed in Las Vegas, March 6, 2020
Edited by Corey Hughes
PIN–UP 28, Spring Summer 2020 is available here.